Surfing the Singularity : "Please hold for the next available agent"
Our imaginations, having been so stimulated by the "innovation trigger" of early interactions with ChatGPT and its LLM kin, having experienced the illusion of the algorithm reading your mind, we have now firmly entered into the period of inflated expectations. Any day now we expect a knock on the door to be informed by some HAL Junior that not only are we now out of a job, we've also got 20 minutes to evacuate the premise before its bulldozed to make way for another solar farm and data center. AGI is only just one product announcement away, or maybe two, but certainly three at most... Nose Deep There is a strong desire on the part of companies trafficking in AI to generate not just chatbot hallucinations but also customers for real business use cases, meaning revenue, and now. To do that we're going to need hardware, fast, lots of it, and gigajoules to power it. So AWS buys a new data center in PA adjacent to a 2.5GW nuclear power plant.[1] Not to be outdone Microso...